Ordinary Meetings of the Council 2025

The public is advised that pursuant to Regulation 12(2)(a) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the following dates, times and locations have been approved by Council for Ordinary Council Meetings for the period ending 31 December 2025. Meetings commence at 1pm.

Shire of Menzies published Council meetings are open to the public, except when stated, and prior notice will be given of any Special Meetings that are called.

Peter Bentley

Acting Chief Executive Officer

To view the Shire's Disclaimer document, click here

Public Question Time

The Council has adopted a policy on public question time to complement the legislative framework, including the Meeting Procedures Local Law (MPLL).

Policy 1.4 Public Question Time

Public Question Time Form

Recording of Meetings

  • All Council Meetings are digitally recorded, for audio only, except for Confidential Agenda Items (in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995) during which time recording ceases.
  • Following publication and distribution of the meeting minutes to Council Members the digital audio recording will be available on the Shire’s website.

Defamation - cl 14K Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996

(1)          A local government is not liable to an action for defamation in relation to any of the following done by the local government as required or authorised under this Part —

(a)          publicly broadcasting a meeting;

(b)          making a recording of a meeting;

(c)           making a recording of a meeting publicly available;

(d)          retaining a recording of a meeting or a copy of a recording;

(e)          providing a copy of a recording of a meeting to the Departmental CEO.